North America

DNA020 (Slide dimmer)

DNA03A (Rocker dimmer)

DNA030F (Rocker dimmer)

DNA042B (Push-button dimmer)

DNA042C (Push-button dimmer)

DNA042C with Wireless 3-Way (Push-button dimmer)

DNA062B with Wireless 3-Way (Push-button dimmer)

DNA042CP (PIR sensor dimmer)

D1208S (Built-in dimmer)

ANA020 (Slide dimmer)

ANA030F (Rocker dimmer)

ANA042C (Push-button dimmer)

ANA042C with Wireless 3-Way (Push-button dimmer)

ANA042CP (PIR sensor dimmer)

A1208S (Built-in dimmer)

DNA030F (Rocker dimmer)

DNA042C with Wireless 3-Way (Push-button dimmer)

PDNA012 Smart dimmer

SNA042BP (PIR sensor switch)

TSNA042C (Countdown Timer switch)

HSNA022P (PIR Humidity Switch)

SNA042C (Rocker switch)

SNA062B (Split switch)